Friday, August 8, 2008

Ravelympics on YouTube!

Okay, I admit it--I'm posting this mainly because the music is so awesome! If anybody knows what that music is, will they please tell me?


Aunt Kathy said...

I laughed at that video, some people have way too much time on their hands, LOL

I don't know the name of the theme song, if I was in band I bet I would.

Susan said...

Her name on Ravelry is HolyKnitballs. But I don't know the song either.

Anonymous said...

isn't that the song they play while Rocky is training in the first movie? (Not a sports movie fan, but my husband is....)

Anonymous said...

Is it Gonna Fly Now off the Rocky soundtrack? It's definitely by Bill Conti. :D

Anonymous said...

it's Eurpoe - "The Final Countdown" 80s hair band

Ifucanbeadit said...

I love it. Will certainly be looking her up on Ravelry